
Embrace Grace is a 12-week support group with our unique biblically-based curriculum centered on her identity, value, and worth.

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Baby Shower

Church member outreach event for moms who choose to parent. For women who make a brave choice to place for adoption, a celebration of life is hosted.

Princess Day (Optional)

Leaders can add an additional group session to their semester that inspires each brave girl to know her identity in Christ and how loved she is by Jesus. 

Start Up Costs?

There are no start-up costs, membership fees annual dues. Group Materials will be available to purchase once the no-cost Agreement Form has been processed.


Rebecca’s Story

At the age of 20 I didn’t expect to become pregnant. I went into a deep depression, literally walking in darkness, trapped in a place I had never been. I had absolutely no one.

I visited a Pregnancy Center and they introduced me to Embrace Grace. I finally worked up the nerve to try church. I had the worst fear because I just knew the judgment was coming. After the service, I was walking through the lobby to my car and a little boy with a piece of paper in his hand caught my eye. He was running to his mom, yelling at her to look at what he had learned and made about God. It all happened in slow motion and then I instantly had a vision of my child doing the same with me.

As I went through Embrace Grace, I felt at home. I was shown love through my sisters in Christ and the other moms there that I had not experienced in a long time. The love I thought I wasn’t worthy enough to have. There were nights that I knew God was speaking directly to me through each message and story shared. I felt like God grabbed my face with His gentle hands and focused my eyes on His and told me that I was and am still His. That I am loved no less, that I have no control over His plan for my life, that He saw this coming before I was even born, that He entrusted me with a life that HE formed inside of me, and that He has a purpose for this life to fulfill. He is the only Father and husband I need and through Him and His grace, nothing is broken, not even me.

Rebecca B.
Embrace Grace Bloom

Ready to start?

Is God tugging on your heart to help get this started at your church?

Or maybe He is bringing someone to mind you can share this life-saving program with?

She is worthy of love in every season of life.